Reaper Special Operations team
The 32nd RSOT is Alpha Company's competitive team that primarily handles clan scrimmages, tournaments, assistance in trainings, playing in GBs, and more.
How to Join.
Joining the 32nd RSOT takes a lot of different factors and requirements. At the bare minimum, you must be an official Reaper member, at the rank of at least L2, R1: Sergeant and pass the tryouts. However it is more complicated than that. For example, RSOT Reapers are expected to portray the best of our ideals in patience, no raging, excellent teamwork and the knowledge to know when to lead and when to follow. You must also have a significant amount of free time, allowing you to grind the game and become as knowledgeable as you can about it. All of these factors and more come into play when RSOT TLs are considering you for the team.
How to Join.
Joining the 32nd RSOT takes a lot of different factors and requirements. At the bare minimum, you must be an official Reaper member, at the rank of at least L2, R1: Sergeant and pass the tryouts. However it is more complicated than that. For example, RSOT Reapers are expected to portray the best of our ideals in patience, no raging, excellent teamwork and the knowledge to know when to lead and when to follow. You must also have a significant amount of free time, allowing you to grind the game and become as knowledgeable as you can about it. All of these factors and more come into play when RSOT TLs are considering you for the team.